Thursday, June 24, 2010

Free Kids Yoga

FREE Yoga for kids is back!

In partnership with Geelong central Marketing, Yoga Dojo will be providing FREE yoga classes for kids Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays, both weeks of the school holidays.

Kids not only learn to twist themselves up into crazy, pretzel like shapes, but also how to relax, focus and stay calm. Music, movement (and a little mayham) are a part of each class.

Yoga Dojo have asked me to teach the classes which is a great honor. Please call 5229 1910 to book your spot.

Hope to see you all love Rebecca xoxo

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Kids Yoga In Geelong

I am a guest teacher over the school hoilday's at Yoga Dojo.

Classes are provided FREE by Central Geelong Marketing.

Call Yoga Dojo on 5229 1910.

Cant wait to see you.

Love and light Rebecca xoxo

Friday, April 2, 2010

Bedtime Bliss...

"Mummy, I'm hungry. I need to go to the toilet. Can I watch TV?" Children will use any and every excuse to put off bedtime, but how often do you hear, "Mummy, can I do yoga first?" For most parents, getting their children to bed takes time, effort and endless patience, something we often dont have at the end of the day.

As a yoga teacher and a mother, I'm often asked how parents can teach their child to be calm and centred when bedtime rolls around. The problem is, when we ask our children to be settled, they often do the opposite. However, experince and research have shown me that yoga offers one solution to the bedtime dilemma.

(This is an extract from an article I wrote for the summer edition of WellBeing Magazine).

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Good Habit's.

A wholesome habit to nuture in a child is gratitude. Gratitude is what you are thankfull for or more similar happy for or made you happy. When asking my daughter this today she said  "going swimming with my dad and making breakfast myself'.

Now today was the first day she has ever made her own breakfast and I very easily could of focused on the negatives. Like nearly a quarter of a pack rice bubbles on the floor and butter not only spread on toast but the whole kitchen bench.

But gratitude is something I practice as a yoga teacher and mum. I try to make sure I notice the things that would otherwise go unoticed or the focus could be negative. It is so easy to turn a positvie into a negative. So making a conscious effort I praised my daughters breakfast making efforts. She was so proud of her self and was smiling from ear to ear. How easily I could of destroyed that by criticising her for the mess she made. I did have to stop and think, but yoga teaches you to do that and your children as well.

Love and Light Rebecca xoxo